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LCA EPD Generator course in English – all users 05.11.2024

november 5, 2024 @ 09:00 - 10:30

General course in the use of the LCA EPD Generator. Sign up by using the link below.

Sign up – course for EPD generator (

The course is for users from companies with an existing EPD generator. New companies can use the contact form to request a demo of the EPD generator. 

Part 1

– Welcome to the presentation of AS.

Introduction to EPDs, the what, the why and how.

– Presentation of the LCA EPD generator and how to make an EPD.

The price for a single person from an established company: 7160,- nok per person.
Company price (up to 5 individuals): 19690,- nok per company.

(Course certificates are valid for 3 years)

Refresher course: 3580,- nok per person.
Company refresher course (up to 5 people): nok 10740,- per company. 


After part 1 of the course all participants that were present at the course and will move to part 2, will be sent a username and password for the EPD generator. So that every user can create their own EPD.
Note: To access LCA Tools, the SaaS agreement must be signed

Part 2

Walkthrough of Test EPD with every company.

Part 2 of the course and follow-ups are done in small groups via Teams and email/phone.

A course certificate is awarded when the «test» EPD shows that the user can make an EPD.


Sign up deadline «day before».

Contact for any questions.


november 5, 2024
09:00 - 10:30
Kategori for Arrangement:


Microsoft Teams
